I took a little break from blogging this weekend to reconnect with my long abandoned Kindle. Apparently my slow brain thinks it's still the weekend, so I find myself post-less for today.
Then I remembered that I still have some unfinished business that I need to take care of. So what better time than today to catch-up on those few things.
A while ago, my friends
Kid Id of
From Diapers to Diatribes and
Jessica of
Look Who Found the Marbles, had kindly passed these two awards to me:
Versatile Blogger Award and
Kreativ Blogger Award. Thank you Kid Id and Jessica, for thinking of Sweaty and her little blog! How did you know I'm such a sucker for awards?? In fact, I can never get too many of them. So if you have some more coming your way and don't know what to do with them, send them my way, alright? ;)
The Versatile Blogger and the Kreativ Blogger Awards also come with a set of rules that the recipient must follow. Lucky for me, the rules are the same for both. Here are the rules:
- Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to them in your post.
- Share 7 things about yourself.
- Pass this award along to 7 recently discovered/other blogs.
Sooo... here we go....
2) 7 things about myself:
- I am extremely introverted. I feel most energized when I'm at home. Being too long in a crowded place exhausts me.
- I am scared shit of lizards.
- I have a soft spot for love stories. I heart them!
- I'm obsessed with angels' wings. They fascinate me.
- I had Postpartum Psychosis shortly after the birth of my daughter 7 years ago.
- I have a very high tolerance for alcohol - I don't get drunk easily.
- I have an affinity to handbags. Not clothes, not shoes. Handbags.
3) Hereby, I am passing the awards to the following 7 recently and not-so-recently discovered blogs:
- Tiaras and Trucks Angela's posts, in particular those that she wrote to express her love for her daughter, Abbey, are incredibly beautiful and emotional. As a mother to a little girl who's about the same age as Abbey, I really appreciate every word that Angela's written... every time wishing that I could write just as beautifully about my love for my daughter.
- C.Mom Elena is one tough cookie! She has had her share of trials and tribulations, and yet through it all, she remains positive, always moving forward. What's incredible about Elena is that she wants others to enjoy a fulfilling life too. She's behind the Just.Be.Enough campaign, encouraging others to look deep into themselves and see the goodness that exists in each and every one of us. Truly an inspiring woman!
- Chicken Noodle Gravy Katie's honesty and vulnerability are always apparent in each post she wrote. She's really sweet and an avid cook who likes to share recipes with other bloggers. But she can also be feisty and stand for what she believes in. I find it easy to relate to Katie and her experiences.
- Resonance Jenna's love of great literary works is well reflected in her writing. Her posts are insightful, well-written, and always so poignant. True to her blog's title, what she says in her posts tend to resonate and stir so many emotions in me. She has a way with words; a word-weaver, I'd call her.
- Move Over Mary Poppins! Cameron is simply 'brilliant.' She's extremely talented, witty, and writes
beautiful gorgeous posts. Her posts had me turning green in envy on more than several occasions; she writes with ease, humor, and many times sarcasm (ahem) but always, always spot on. Really, I consider her a 'gift' to the blogging world. And I know that she's loving every praise I bestowed upon her right now ;)
- Time Out for Mom Les is one of the rare bloggers out there who has consistently shown me support and love no matter what. I hate to admit that I feel like she's found me first before I found her. Reading her posts is like a chat with your best friend. She's sincere, loyal, and perfect in all her imperfections.
- Exiting Lover's Lane Kadie is one heck of a fun girl to have around! Her comments always made me laugh out loud, and her tweets brightened my day. It's too easy to forget during our easy banter that she's had her share of pain and heartache, because she really is that much fun. I love her spirit. Also, her writing still leaves me in awe every time; she writes amazing posts... the kind that made me pause and think, "Shit, that was really something." ;)
And I can't help but passing the awards to two of my all-time favorites:
- The Kir Corner Kirsten, as I've told her a few times already, is my sunshine on a rainy day. I treasure her friendship every day. She's really made my bloggy world a better place.
- One Mixed Bag Words can't express just how much I love my friend, Bernie. I've never met her, but I know with all my heart that she is a true friend with a big heart, who would be there for me when I need her. And did I mention that she's hilarious??
If you haven't followed those bloggers I've listed above, I encourage you to follow them now. They are truly exceptional.
Last but not least, on Wednesday last week, I mentioned in one of
my Miss Chatterbox's posts,
Open to Interpretation, that I would do something special for those whose interpretation rocked my world ;) I'm not a giveaway kind of gal (sorry...), so I'd like to invite each of you to host my
Wordless and (Not So) Wordless Wednesday post. Just let me know which date you'd like, and on that Wednesday, I'd feature your Wednesday post and link back to your blog (that way you would still post on your blog, and at the same time, it will be posted on my blog as well). Sounds good?
So without further ado, here are some of my favorite interpretations to this one-of-a-kind, masterpiece drawn by my almost-seven year old daughter:
Kadie (
Exiting Lover's Lane): It seems to me that she isn't really thinking daddy is part of the group anymore....what I'm left wondering, though, is....did she draw him falling off the boat?? Lol. Does she want you guys to sit by and smile while he falls off the boat? Kids are interesting..
My reply: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA seriously, girl, you're hilarious!!! THAT would make a very interesting post, wouldn't it?? I don't know whether I'd laugh or cry if she did intentionally draw daddy falling off the boat and smiling about it. ROTF
My reply: Whoa, that's a pretty sophisticated interpretation there, Kim! I got goosebumps from your comment!
To Kadie and Kim, thanks so much for participating! You are awesome!
Whew... I've never felt more like Santa after writing a post... lol
I am beyond honored truly, thank you so much for those words and for your friendship every single day. I will be in touch with my WED choice ok? Yea....you really ARE like Santa!!!!!
ReplyDeleteLove u BIG girl!