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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

World's Worst Mom #100 Part 1

This is a post I wrote for the World's Worst Moms, who hit 100 followers last week.  For you who haven't heard or not familiar with the blog, I urge you to check it out.  It's a place where civilian mommies like us can write about our not-so-fine moments, or read about others' better-forgotten moments.  Either way, the site is guaranteed to make you feel better about yourself, be it simply from having vented out your frustrations in words, or just from realizing that yes you suck, but at least you're not the suckiest.   

The jury's still out on whether or not it's a sign of luck, or that in fact I'm running out of luck, but whatever it was, I happened to be World's Worst Mom's follower number 100.  So in the spirit of hitting the Big One Hundred, I decided to submit a post about why I'm a World's Worst Mom. Hopefully, after reading it, you'll realize that you're not so bad after all.  In other words, yes, I know I suck. Big Time.

Please continue to Part 2

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