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Monday, June 13, 2011

Meet Me on Monday June 12th, 2011

Welcome to the 48th edition of
"Meet Me On Monday!"

Every Sunday Never Growing Old will post five get to know you questions that you can copy and paste into your own Monday post and we can all learn a little more about each and every one of us!!

Meet Me On Monday

Question #2 compliments of Maureen at A Sudden Alarm of Donkeys!!
If you have a question suggestion please email me at: and if I use your question I will give you a shout out! 
1.  What is your favorite yogurt flavor?
2.  Ankle or knee socks? and on the same theme, white socks or coloured??
3.  How is the weather right now?
4.  Are you a fast typer?
5.  Red or White Wine?

1.  I'm not a yoghurt fan, actually.  Unless it's Pinkberry's.  Then it's the original flavor topped with fresh strawberries and blueberry sauce :)

2. It really depends on the kind of shoes and whether or not it matches the color of my clothes.  Yes, I'm Ms. Prim and Proper in this department.  I prefer plain white, nude, navy blue or black though.  Not really into patterns or colorful socks... they tend to make my already giant feet look even more humongous.


Um, nope

3.  Am in Paris right now, and the weather's great.  In fact, I have the details right here:

4. My mother hired a tutor for me one summer when I was thirteen just to teach me how to type correctly.  So yes, I'm a fast typer.  Even if it's just because by now I've had years and years to practice, and because my mother was an anal retentive who made me into the anal retentive person that I am today.

Yes, I came from a generation where keyboards used to look like this

My tutor never taught me how to type like this though

5.  I prefer reds.  Or champagnes.  They're much quicker than whites in making me become a happier person.  But I'm OK with whites too, especially if they come free of charge.

Or at least that's how I usually got mine
My sentiment exactly.

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