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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Attention: All Sweaty Lovers... (Updated as of November 19th)

Ages ago, I expressed my desire to move to WordPress to a few of my bloggy friends.  That day has finally come (yeah, I know... like, FINALLY!!!).  The migration is supposed to happen sometime today these few days, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Many of you know how technologically-challenged I am, so of course I'm not the one who'll be doing the moving.  I have a team of very smart people from Shatterboxx who will do that for me (phew!).  AND, a few glitches here and there (most likely me trying to navigate my way through the new and foreign land that is WordPress) are to be expected, so please be warned!  Hee hee.

Here's another thing (VERY IMPORTANT!!!):  Once my WP site is up and running, my blog address will NOT be www.dosweatthesmallstuff... anymore.  All of you Sweaty lovers out there would know that I've complained on several occasions, what a pain in the arse it was to type such a bloody long name every time I commented on other people's blogs.  Soooo... the new address... will be...

... announced once the move is completed.

I don't know how this sort of thing usually works, whether or not you would have to update your subscription to my feedburner etc. etc...  So just want to give you a heads up and PLEASE DON'T ABANDON ME!!!  I NEED YOU ALL!  MAKE SURE YOU GET MY NEW ADDRESS (I'll announce it soon) SO THAT YOU CAN STILL LOVE ME, OKAY???  There. I've said what I really wanted to say.

Meanwhile, wish me luck.  And yes, of course I'm freaking out!
